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Do I Qualify to Go to A Free Clinic?

You qualify for Free Clinic Services if you:

  • Are between the ages of 19-64
  • Are not insured by any federal or state government, employer, or private program
  • Earn no more than 150-200% of the Federal Poverty Level (Click here for latest FPL figures).
    Please note: You must call your clinic of choice directly to determine eligibility for that clinic, as requirements may vary slightly from clinic to clinic.

Meet Our Patients

Meet Ron:
Ron is a 47 year old working man who came to Wheeling Health Right suffering with severe crippling Rheumatoid Arthritis.  He could not work, care for his four young children or even walk without assistance.  He was referred to a Rheumatologist who ordered an injectable anti-arthritic medication that costs over $6,000 per dose.  Ron obviously could not afford such an expensive medication.  Wheeling Health Right was able to get the medication which Ron receives every six weeks.  He is now completely self-sufficient, working fulltime and caring for his four adorable children.   He says, “Thanks to Wheeling Health Right I am now able to play with my children and work.  They saved my life and made me whole again”.   

Meet Louise:
Louise had a respiratory problem that she couldn’t shake. Not only was she ill, but she was in danger of losing her job due to high absenteeism. She came to the WV Health Right for help.  She not only had pneumonia but many other conditions that had compromised her health. Through the years, she has been treated for hypertension, high cholesterol, thyroid problems, acid reflux, diverticulitis, and most recently, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.  She still works part-time to support herself, but her employer doesn’t provide insurance coverage, so she has been coming to WV Health Right for more than twelve years now.  “If not for Health Right, I don’t know what I’d do,”  she says.  “My medicines alone would cost me over $1,000 per month.”  Now,  she is missing less work and is able to pick up additional hours.  She is grateful for the clinic and the volunteer doctors who helped her regain her health.

For more patient stories click here.

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